Toxic Load–ever heard of it?

March 6, 2010

The first time I heard this term was in the excellent book “The Autoimmune Disease Epidemic” by Donna Jackson. Toxic load is basically how toxic is your body. As far as I know there is no one test to messure this definitively so you can only surmise. Think about what puts our bodies into a toxic state. Here’s a list of things I can think of off the top of my head. Chemicals in our food, chemicals in the environment ie mercury!!, chemical ingredients in our medications, chemical ingredients in our vaccinations, chemical ingredients in our lotions, sunscreens and beauty products.  What will be “the straw that breaks the camels back?” Too many toxins create such a strain on your body that you become chronically ill with autoimmune disease, cancer or inflamed…all over! I’ll talk more on this subject in later posts but right now let’s start eliminating some on the toxins by avoiding foods with chemical additives…yes it will take some doing because allllll of our food has  chemicals in them…yuck .why is our nation fat and sick….because our food is posioning us…go to the grocery store and try, I dare you, to find a cart full of healthy food.. yes we are eating lots of food but we are malnutritioned and fat…wierd … HELP find it at more later…

One Response to “Toxic Load–ever heard of it?”

  1. You might want to check out a post on my blog at

    It’s about the CDC’s National Exposure Report and related issues.

    I think you would find the Environmental Working Group’s report on BodyBurden: The Pollution in Newborns – – of interest. A more recent report on Pollution in Minority Newborns can be found at

    And go to the House and Senate websites ( and and do a search on “TSCA” (the Toxic Substances Control Act). You’ll find info on recent hearings on persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic chemicals.

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